Numerical Analysis with PYTHON


ISBN: 978 93 94612 46 4 Category:

Scientific and numerical computing is a booming field in research, engineering and analytics. The revolution in the computer industry over recent decades has provided new and powerful tools for computational practioners. This has enabled computational undertakings of previously unprecedented scale and complexity. Entire fields and industries have sprung up as a result. This development is still on going, and is creating new opportunities as hardware, so􀅌ware. and algorithms keep improving. Ultimately the enabling technology for this movement is powerful computing that has been developed in recent decades. However, for a computational practioner, the so􀅌ware environment used for computational work is as important as. if not more important than, the hardware on which the computations are carried out This book is about one popular and last growing environment for numerical computing: the Python programming language and its vibrant ecosystem of libraries and extensions for computational work.